Sunday, June 15, 2008

Are we in denial?

You think you're right, you think you can never be wrong.
You refused to accept, you refused to digest the other information.

So, why do we tell the truth sometimes? Why can't we just keep it to ourselves? Why do we tend to blurt out the things that we shouldn't?

There are some people whose afraid to be honest sometimes, because honesty isn't the best approach. Am I right?

We tell the truth, and we feel relieved. Once everything is out in the open, we stop worrying.
We deny things because we don't want to hurt a feeling nor hurt our own feelings.

In the end of the day, all we need is to be close to somebody. We need at least, one person who we can be completely honest with and able to accept us for who we really are.

That's why we need trust, to withstand whatever consequences that we might come upon. Trust the other person, and hoping that other person will do the same. That's how it works, that's how we overcome the difficult circumstances.

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